How can I make my home a safer environment?

Here is some advice on how to feel safer at home when living with sight loss:

  • Fit a smoke alarm (remember to check your batteries regularly)
  • Fix any loose carpeting on stairs
  • Put non-slip flooring into your bathroom
  • Improve the lighting in your kitchen, bathroom and at the top and bottom of your stairs
  • Gas appliances, such as fires, boilers, cookers and central heating systems, should be regularly checked by your gas supplier
  • Ask your gas and electricity suppliers to add you to their priority service register
  • Contact your local council social services department to ask an occupational therapist for advice on other safety measures

Calling for help

A telephone is essential if you live on your own. Your local council may be able to help you with the cost of installation and line rental. There are also schemes that provide low cost telephone access. Contact your telephone provider for more details.

Getting help in the event of an emergency is important. Community alarms allow you to call for help even if you can't get to a phone, by pressing a button on a pendant, which you wear at all times. Staff at a 24-hour response centre will be contacted and will alert the best person to help you - for example a neighbour, relative, friend or the emergency services. Contact your local council for details.

Suzy Lamplugh Trust

The Suzy Lamplugh Trust, who are the leading charity on personal safety in the UK, have lots of information on their website. This includes practical things you can do to help you feel and stay safe at home, including dealing with bogus callers or intruders. 

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