What is video calling?

Video calling allows you to make a face-to-face call with apps such as Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp on devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

Video calling means you can connect with someone as if they were in the same room using a camera either built in or attached to the device you are calling from. It is free and all you need is a connection to the internet.

Features and benefits

Video calling allows you to stay in touch with family and friends around the world without any expense. It can also be useful for holding meetings and training courses. It means that you can make the call and be connected straightaway (if you both have enough signal).

Another advantage is that you can talk to whoever also happens to be with the person you are calling or vice versa. This would allow you to join in a gathering of relatives abroad or be part of a celebration even when thousands of miles apart.

It is a cost effective and instant way to connect regardless of location and gives you the opportunity to feel like you are physically there much more so than with an audio call.

Further information about video calling including the different options and platforms available can be found on RNIB's Technology webpages.

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