How do I escalate a complaint on audio description with Ofcom?

You can complain about an audio description service to Ofcom. You must log your complaint with the relevant broadcaster first and only contact Ofcom if you are dissatisfied with their final decision. For a list of broadcasters and contact details please see, Who do I pass comments and complaints on Audio Description to?

Please note that Ofcom can only take action if the broadcaster is in breach of its Code on television access services.

Complaints can be made by contacting the Ofcom Customer Contact team:

Please be aware that Ofcom have set a requirement for broadcasters to include AD on 10 percent of programmes, and some broadcasters (including the BBC, Channel 4, ITV and Sky) have committed to 20 percent.

Ofcom publishes regular reports on accessibility, including reports on access services such as audio description. The reports can be found in the Usability and accessibility research page of their website under 'Television and on-demand programme services: Access services reports'. The reports show the level of AD for a broadcaster varies wildly depending on how you access the service. This may mean that you will get better accessibility if you access the service on a different device. RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) is pushing for these services to be accessible however you access them. It's not only better accessibility but it's far less confusing to users.

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