Is there any support being provided for Ukrainian refugees with sight loss?

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) head of policy and public affairs, Debbie McGill, has provided clarification regarding the provision of eye health care to refugees resettling in the UK, stating: “They are entitled to free NHS care and are usually issued with HC2 certificates – confirming eligibility for full help with health costs – within two weeks of arrival.”

For refugees who may not yet have their HC2 certificate NHS England has confirmed that optical practices should follow the same process for patients arriving from Ukraine that were put in place for Afghan refugees.

The full statement which includes guidance on helping those that have not yet received their HC2 certificate can be found on the ABDO website.

General advice on providing help for those affected by the crisis, as well as support and guidance for refugees can be found on the Refugee Council website.

The Citizens Advice website also has useful advice on immigration, asylum and refugees.

Further general information can be found in our Ukraine refugees help and advice entry.

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