How do I make my mouse pointer/cursor more visible in Windows?

Windows allows you to alter your mouse pointer colour and size settings to make it more visible. This can be done by selecting the Start button - Settings - Ease of Access - Mouse Pointer.

Alternatively, you can utilise keyboard shortcut keys to access the Ease of Access centre (Windows Key and U), tab once followed by down arrow then Enter to enter this menu option.

Under Mouse Pointer, there are a few options which you can explore and adjust to suit your own preferences. These are:

  • Change pointer size and colour – you can use a slider to increase or decrease the pointer size. There is also the option to change the pointer colour
  • Change touch feedback – different options can be toggled on and off within this area.

Windows only has a limited amount of mouse pointer/cursor options. Some of the paid pieces of software have further pointer/cursor options. Further options are included in ZoomText, Fusion and SuperNova Magnifier.

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