If I have an EHCP, will this transfer to higher education with me?

A young person studying at level 4 in a higher or further education college would not be entitled to an EHC plan.

There are separate systems in place to support disabled young people in higher education (HE), including Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs). These are non-repayable grants that assist with the additional costs incurred by disabled students. They apply to those studying HE in an FE environment. DSAs fund a range of support, including assistance with the cost of:

  • specialist equipment
  • travel
  • non-medical helpers (for example note takers)

For further information EHCPs see What is a EHCP (Education Heath and Care Plan) and what can I expect from it?

For further information on DSAs see What are Disabled Students Allowances (DSAs) and how can I apply?

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