What support is available for someone homeless or at risk of becoming homeless?

You should seek advice as soon as possible, if you ask for help before you become homeless the council may be able to help you stay in your own home. Start by contacting the local authority's housing needs/options team to register as homeless and get further advice and support. You can search for contact details of local councils on the GOV.uk website.

The help you can get depends on if you are legally homeless or intentionally homeless (for example did not pay your rent when you were able to or displayed anti social behaviour). If you are intentionally homeless you may find it harder to get help.

The Shelter, Shelter Scotland and Shelter Cymru websites have a range of information on how to get help from the council including letter templates and how to challenge decisions. If you live in Northern Ireland the Housing Advice NI website has some good resources and advice.

Urgent Support

People with priority needs (this includes pregnancy, people with young children, people at risk of abuse and vulnerable people, for example if you have a disability or severe health condition) can get emergency housing. This is temporary accommodation such as B&Bs, Hostels and refuges. Contact your local council get emergency housing, you can search for contact details of local councils on the GOV.uk website.

Night Shelters

If you have nowhere else to go or cannot get immediate help a night shelter will give you a safe place to stay for the night. You can search the Homeless Link website for somewhere to stay. You can also call Shelters emergency helpline 0808 800 4444.

Please also see Who can I contact for housing advice?

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