What sort of help can I receive from social services?

Your local council's social services department is there to give you the help and support you need to continue to lead an independent life.

Once they are aware of your situation social services will arrange an assessment of your needs. A social worker or a similar professional will visit you in person or contact you over the phone to carry out the assessment.

The aim of the assessment is to provide social services with a full view of what you can manage to do by yourself and the support you get from other people. They can then decide what help you may need from them and what services they need to provide for you.

This might include:

  • rehabilitation including mobility training and life skills
  • personal care at home
  • domestic help
  • answering correspondence
  • help with shopping
  • services in day centres
  • provision of equipment, aids and minor adaptations to the home
  • care in residential or nursing homes

If your condition relates specifically to sight loss this support will normally be provided by the Sensory team.

For information on how to get help from social services, see How can I get help without registering as sight impaired or severely sight impaired?

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